When we work together, we will have the following agreements:

  • Sessions are Confidential. I will not share anything from our session, unless we have explicitly agreed that it is permissible. The default is always confidentiality. You are free to share whatever you like, of course.
  • Hold nothing back. The coaching space is a place to create without limits, and to explore without risk of injury. I will play full out, and I expect clients to, as well. Why wouldn’t you?
  • I stand for you. I will not let you play small, I will hold you up, and be in your corner. I offer total support, but not enablement. I will tell the truth, but never in a hurtful way.
  • You are responsible for your results. I can’t take action for you. You are committed to taking the actions you agree to take in our sessions.
  • I want my clients to outgrow me. We may work together for a long time, or a short period. Either way, you will be growing and learning. I never want clients to become dependent on me.

The coaching process will work like this:

  1. We will establish a powerful vision for your future. If you have a particular challenge, we will create a clear vision of what the solution looks like. If you want to create a more satisfying life filled with creation and joy, we’ll identify what that means for you.
  2. We will explore what has held you back from achieving this goal.
  3. We will explore who you will need to become to create your vision.
  4. We will work together, through conversation, to have you getting the insights needed to become the person you want to be.
  5. We will walk the path together, and be open to new opportunities as they arise.
I know that every person is always doing the best they can, given the totality of their thinking in the moment.
I know that every person has access to their own inner genius, and that understanding and experiencing that is key to creating the future they envision.

The Journey is the Reward – Steve Jobs

Having a goal gives us direction, but what we’re working on is your personal transformation. Becoming the person you are capable of being, without limits, bringing all of your genius into the light.

My coaching is informed by the teaching of Sydney Banks, the Three Principles, as well as the work of Steven Pressfield (The War of Art), Wim Wenger (The Einstein Factor), Steve Chandler, Michael Neill, Jamie Smart, Antonio Damasio, Martin Seligman, George Pransky, Clare Dimond, Frans de Waal and others.