
What do you want to create?

What is in the way?

Those two simple sounding questions are the pathway to being the creative powerhouse that you were meant to be. And they are where we will start our journey together.

As we work together, we’ll explore and grow in other areas, as you create the creative life you want.

We’ll work on finding your authentic voice, to create work that is vulnerable and honest, and that connects with the right audience. Trying to please everyone is a road to mediocrity. Trusting your inner compass of what is amazing, wonderful, impactful and valuable is the path to creating work that impacts, and sometimes upsets, other humans.

We’ll work on discovering your optimal creative routines, habits and rituals. Being prolific is one of the keys to having a wonderful creative life, and establishing the system that supports your work is a key component of that. Every artist and creative person is unique, but in my experience, they all benefit from a supportive structure in their work.

We’ll work on sharing your work with the world. This can include overcoming fears around sharing deeply personal experiences and perspectives, it can include discovering your tribe who will receive your work enthusiastically, and it can include technical challenges like figuring out the best way to put your work into the world without becoming a social media manager.

And we’ll work on four areas that support having an amazing experience of work and life:

  • Curiosity – Exploring and experimenting, finding joy in learning new techniques, pushing the envelope, and innovating in your work.
  • Connection – Creating relationships that support your work as well as friendships and personal relationships that support your mental health.
  • Creation – Being a creative person means being creative wherever you are, whatever you’re doing. Finding ways to keep the flow of ideas and inspiration happening and fresh, to joyfully impact your world.
  • Contribution – Making the world a better place gives us a sense of belonging and purpose, and we’ll be exploring ways to make contributions that leave you feeling inspired and with a deep sense of satisfaction.

Interested in exploring more? Reach out and we’ll chat.